It’s time to stick together. Now more than ever, the concept of community resonates loudly because even if we have to stay apart, we can win this battle together. Only by staying at home and sacrificing our freedom in the name of a common good can we defeat this faceless enemy.
Like many other Italian companies, the activities of our territory have found themselves having to stop their production. However, ideas and the desire to help others actively did not stop. From the very beginning, the will to be useful grew.
So the C.I.M. (Murgiani Entrepreneur Consortium), the Association Pride Gravinese and the Parish of the Holy Spirit of Gravina in Puglia, have promoted a fundraiser intended for the purchase of sanitary material for two facilities of Puglia close to us, the Miulli Ecclesiastical Hospital of Acquaviva and the Hospital of Murgia Fabio Perinei. The donation will consist of protective suits, fit glasses, masks and masks made of facial polycarbonate.
We know that this might seem like a small gesture in the sea of efforts that this pandemic is demanding, but it is precisely from the small things that each of us can do our part.