All sofas are comfortable!
(will it be true?)

When it comes to comfort, a sofa or an armchair immediately comes to mind.

A tired person sitting on any sofa has suffered a feeling of well-being; therefore the combination of comfort/sofa is practically taken for granted.

But that's not the case. Even a chair is comfortable for lunch time, but after a while we can't wait to get up and take 2 steps!

It is true that probably sofa manufacturers try to get maximum comfort from the model they are creating (although I wouldn't take this attitude for granted), but some models have a limit to the predestined convenience, imposed by:

  • shape/design
  • size/proportions
  • cheapness / price
  • inserting the bed
  • prototypist's skill

Let's start with the definition of Wikipedia comfort. This is the text in summary:

Comfort is defined as the set of pleasant sensation[…]s, which give us a feeling of well-being in a given situation: for e.g., when we are sitting or in a breezy environment[…]

According to this definition, comfort would therefore be a completely subjective condition, impossible to measure. If we accept this definition, it is therefore not possible to make, for example, a seat that is judged comfortable by all.

In order to arrive at a definition of comfort that supports its objectivity, it is necessary to address the problem from a physical point of view. Accepting the definition of comfort as objective is important because it can lead to redesign, for example, the seats of all kinds in an innovative and ergonomic way (i.e. "operation") in order to give them the only requirement they lack, that is, comfort.

[…]We can paradoxically define objective comfort as the absence of the feeling of muscle fatigue, especially of the lower back muscles in the sitting position.

Now we have a topic to start with.

The sofas are not all equally comfortable! Clearly from a subjective point of view because it is impossible to create an ideal seat for everyone for both a robust and a slender individual, both for a tall and a low person, but also from an objective point of view. How do we know that? We also observe just our behavior.

We are comfortably seated on the sofa, but after a while (please memorize this time – a few minutes?) we definitely make a movement: we turn to one side, we climb one leg, we straighten our back, we slide on the seat and a thousand other movements, even to the need to get up! And all this in just over 2 hours of film. These are the classic signs of discomfort that our muscle apparatus sends us – as fatigued – asking us to change our position to avoid the persistence of the problem.

But create a good comfort how do you do it? But above all how to create a comfort for everyone if already in the premise it is clear that this is not possible?

Let's start with the first point.

The comfort of a sofa is definitely created with:

  • the springing at the base of the seat (elastic bands or slats or other)
  • seat and back padding (rigidity, softness, support, type, density, elasticity)
  • the proportions of the sofa (ground height, seat depth, back height, tilt)

So let's talk about the springing of the seat. In most cases it is created with elastic bands (or straps). The elastic belt is a fabric belt with rubber and polypropylene thread with particular characteristics of stretching and elasticity. It is applied to the stem, on the structure of the sofa.

The seat cushion rests on the spring.  Its properties have a significant impact on the final comfort. Think that you just need to insert a single extra band (especially horizontally) for a much stiffer comfort. Or simply "pull" the straps more for stiffer comfort or "pull" them less for greater softness.

What you see is the correct springing of the Cuborosso sofas.

Cinghie elastiche

  • The bands are arranged a few cm. one by the other, a correct distance
  • are "tense" with an established, correct and proportionate voltage for each model,
  • are attached to the wood of the structure with staples,
  • are intertwined, that is, arranged horizontally and vertically.

Did you know that the straps:

  • they can be of various kinds, even very poor, with very little elasticity,
  • can be arranged much wider and in one sense to save several mt
  • can be stretched incorrectly manually
  • they can be fixed on the chip instead of the wood with the strong probability of a detachment with use and time.

Check for yourself when you can. In the unsoworkable sofas, lift the seat cushion, feel the straps with your hand, press and try the springing!

After evaluating a good springing, we must now evaluate the padding. Padding3s are generally built with a predominant part of expanded polyurethane. I particularly care at this point because here it makes a difference:

The higher quality paddings have superior comfort and better performance over time than lower quality padding.

And they cost more! (unfortunately)

Quality padding has polyurethane with higher density, higher density padding can be perfected with better elasticity and better lift.

The higher quality paddings maintain their basic characteristics for a long time before deteriorating and do not give way after a few months, deluding with a false softness-comfort that is nothing but a near total loss of lift!

Here is the focal point of the whole issue. All sofas when they are new and for a short time later, do not have great problems of sealing and we sit well, but we need to know how they will behave over time!

The compression caused by the weight of our body causes a first failure, due to the rupture of the internal cells. This is an initial settling, common to all new paddings. No alarm, it is a normal phenomenon and all more or less after 10/15 days or a month are softer, but this is not a symptom of particular signs of failure. The padding becomes softer than the one purchased but if we want it is also more comfortable.

With the passing of the months, however, with continuous and prolonged use, maybe even intensive of the sofa (e.g. a whole family), the signs of failure are felt, yes! Every day pressure is exerted, every day the padding is compressed for hours, every day the polyurethane inevitably gives way a little.

The main problem that manifests itself is the loss of lift, polyurethane gets soft like a sponge. The softness may seem pleasant, but in reality we are talking about a serious problem of almost total loss of support. If the sofa is leather, the excessive traction to which the seat skin is subjected causes the unwanted "sit-up effect" or "curling" that makes the sofa appear old and worn. The skin simply extends too much for excessive compression.

"Yet when I bought it the sofa was particularly 'tough' and seemed to offer great long-lasting warranty. The premises were all there but … The paddings have succumbed too much… and in no time. But that's how I keep it! …" and for the next 3/5/7 years you are forced to sit on an uncomfortable sofa!

There's an explanation. The problem is due solely to the fact that the paddings were "doped" – the term makes the idea well -. Practically on low-density polyuretans, additives are used that make them look of a certain consistency and therefore lead to thinking of a high density and a long life. But they are only seemingly sturdy padding, that little bit of use already enough to make the "doping" effect vanish and the paddings reveal themselves for what they are. Cheap and poor quality.

Modern technology today allows particular evolutions in polyurethans and seat construction. What you see below is a special Cuborosso padding that involves the use of springs and expanded polyurethane. How much this kind of padding affects comfort! Too easy to say 'very much' for us in the industry, I would just like to give you a chance to prove the difference.

molle insacchettate

You can see on the top of the seat (and also the back) a soft layer that can be of different materials. It is the last layer of the pillow and can be of a particular synthetic material type cotton or even a slab of a special polyurethane, called Memory Foam. The latter adapts very much to the person's body and avoids resistance to compression of the parts of the body in contact, especially the legs and buttocks. All this allows good blood circulation and greatly limits the sore effect, greatly increasing comfort.

All producers try to treat the comfort topic in the best way but who succeeds? Honestly, those who bet on the price can hardly work on comfort optimally. They will do what they can, as the topic is very important for sale, but from the weight of a seat or even just looking at a particularly sparse padding, without softness, without shape, you immediately understand that the product did not originate to generate comfort, but only to have a very attractive selling price

Cuborosso took the problem by the hand and proposes the maximum solution in comfort with a scientific approach trying both to solve subjective comfort and objective comfort, offering an optimal solution for each individual.

What does the cuborosso retailer propose differently from other stores? Simply the ability to choose comfort and customize it according to your needs, choosing between different types and combinations.

A real rehearsal room (like a company prototype room), awaits you in each store with the aim of offering a personalized comfort that adds to the objective comfort of each individual component, even subjective comfort thanks to the ability to interjemit the different types of seat on each individual model.



