Also this year Cuborosso is Official Partner of Photo Report Age International Forum

Photo Report Age International Forum is a non-profit organization that has set itself the goal of promoting the languages of reportage (photography, video, radio, writing) to promote a culture of peace in the world.

logo-photoreportageIn addition to promoting the Festival, the Association offers training activities that are carried out through formalized and structured courses, aimed at both newbies and advanced photo-amateurs who want to enrich their knowledge.

Among the impromptu activities are those that are organized and performed in moments and conditions that are defined from time to time. Photographic outputs, for example, prompted by unforeseen events or those related to projects that are being defined during the year. Activities that have a close relationship with those planned at the beginning of the year and with the territory.

Of considerable documentary value is the inevitable presence of members in the places that host folkloric events that revive the identity of the many communities (even of very different matrices) that connote and enrich our Region, a phase in which the photographer accesses aesthetic, historical, anthropological values that will go to form and enrich a real Documentation Center open not only to the contributions of the territory but to the contributions of the territory. , thanks to the festival, also in the world, proposing a continuous comparison between what is inside and what is outside the region.

Discover the achievements on the Youtube Channel



