Knowing how to recognize different types of skin


The surface of this skin is only "full flower" and is dyed with transparent dyes. The color is not covering, but leaves the surface natural and clearly visible. This skin is of high quality and is the most expensive, as only perfect skins should be subjected to this treatment, which among the various tanning systems is the most expensive.

The aniline skin can have imperfections and irregularities of the surface: they are the signature of nature itself and the guarantee that each skin is unique.

Skins of this type have only minimal surface coverage, so they are the most sensitive to the effects of wear and sensitivity to light. To maintain this natural beauty it is absolutely necessary to carry out a constant work of cleaning and protecting the skin, from the first use.

Not recommended for frequent use and in the presence of children or a cat.

Key features: Grain and natural appearance – Excellent hand – Small natural defects – Very soft and breathable

Seeds aniline

Again the skins used are exclusively "full flower". The skin is covered with a slightly pigmented finish, to make the color more uniform and hide small defects. To reproduce the natural appearance of the skin, bright and transparent colors are then sprayed. This treatment provides a very light protection, so it is advisable to apply a protective cream. This type of tanning allows for more frequent use than pure aniline skins.

Key features: Grain and Natural Appearance – Excellent Hand – Better Light Resistance Than Pure Aniline Skins – More Practical Than Pure Aniline Skins – Breathable


They are the most used skins also called 'finished'. This type of tanning makes the surface of the skin uniform thanks to the application of a background of pigments and resins, followed by a protective cover, allowing easy maintenance and frequent use.

This type of treatment allows the use of both "full flower" skins and less skins that are processed to remove defects and imperfections. The grain of the surface is reproduced with special rollers. They are skins called correct or half flower.

The Full Pigmented Flower, therefore, has kept the surface grain unchanged (the upper part of the skin is called a flower), but has received a colorful matte finish that gives a unified appearance, hides small defects and protects the skin.
They are, however, high-quality first-skins, pleasant to look at and touch, but this treatment makes them resistant to wear, easy to clean and makes possible repairs, in case of minor damage. It is the best compromise between aesthetics and endurance.
The correct and pigmented skins have been frosted (smoothed) to smooth out the surface and to eliminate its imperfections, such as wrinkles, scratches, etc. Under the pressure of a very heavy roller they acquire a homogeneous grain. The molds are different. The fine print called "Madras" and the larger one called "Dollaro" are well known.
These skins are not of high quality and have a slightly artificial appearance. The surface coating, however, is quite resistant to wear.

Key Features: Covering Color – Excellent Light Resistance – Good Defect Coverage – Easy Maintenance

Special note: The crust.

Definitely low value. It is the lower part of the skin that undergoes the same treatment as the correct skins, apparently takes on the exact same appearance, but with very low wear resistance characteristics. It tends to split and tear in a short time.


The velvety appearance of the skin is obtained from an aniline skin subject to a slight grinding.

The appearance and touch of these skins are excellent, but they are very delicate and their maintenance requires special attention.

A waterproofing treatment is mandatory. It remains an expensive material.

Key features: Appearance and velvety touch – Very soft, warm and natural – Soft and breathable – difficult maintenance

Pull Up

These are waxed and oiled skins that remain a timeless "classic".

The distinctive feature of these skins is to lighten when pulled or bent, becoming the typical characteristic that makes them unmistakable.

Key features: Very good appearance and touch – Fashion effect – Lightening effect if the skin is pulled or bent

Leather sofasA good understanding of the terms allows an even comparison between products as an aniline skin costs twice (and even beyond) compared to a frosted skin.

Knowing the features of the skin can save you a lot of trouble and will allow you to make an enlightened choice for the right balance between quality-price-duration-maintenance.

It is worth remembering once again that the skin is still a natural material with all its peculiarities and unknowns. For example, light skin will tend to become darker, while darker skin will tend to lighten over time. Some conditions will accelerate this phenomenon: exposure to direct sunlight, a heat source or humidity.

You should pay special attention to the hydration phase and, in general, it is necessary to perform maintenance and cleaning regularly, to prevent dirt from sticking and creeping between the grain of the skin.



